Purchased Band Saw for easy to transport and stable cutting accuracy and a belt type wire upper to promote safety works in our company.

NISSYO TECHNO CO., LTD.Mr. Suzuki, Manager, Just Flare Div.
Pipework Equipment Division of NISSYO TECHNO CO., LTD. has more than 350 customers mainly in Koriyama and Sukagawa areas. Just Flare construction method Network division leases special processing machine for "Just Flare processing method which is new piping process without welding". Just Flare processing machines are now in nationwide.
Headquarters: | 10 Azakurozome, Tomitamachi, Koriyama City, Fukushima |
Phone: | 024-951-1591 |
Business description: | Just flare machine membership contract, wholesales of processing, water supply materials, general housing equipment |
URL | |
Please tell us the reason of purchasing Asada products.
The Just Flare processing machine can process pipes from 2"" to 14"". At maintenance of the machine, there are many flared pipes to be cut. For large diameter pipes, we used to use a stationary band saw, however we looked for a portable and stable cutting accuracy cutting machine. At that time, our president found Asada's cutting machine at the 2018 International Welding Show and purchased Asada band saw.

How do you feel after you used?
Band Saw BEAVER 10 helps to improve our work efficiency as it can cut up to 10" pipes with high accuracy and no after-processing is required. We are really satisfied with it as it is a portable and we can bring it out of the factory to use.

What do you expect to Asada in the future?
Like Just Flare processing machine, we think the market trend is a standardization which anyone can process at certain quality even without experience. We expect Asada to develop and produce high accuracy and user-friendly products as a cutting machine manufacturer.