ASADA's band saw machines are different from the others. They are much better than expected.

HOKUEI KOUGYOUPresident Mr. Yokota
Mr. Yokota, the president who runs a facility installation company such as plumbing work in Saitama, is one of the ASADA fans has ASADA products at 80% of his tools.
How do you feel after you use BEAVER 6?
BEAVER 6 can cut materials straight precisely and durable at long-term use. It works remarkably for professional use, compared with other band saws, and achieves better performances than expected. It is essential for us to set up food production lines. Asada is the first brand that comes to my mind when I think of band saw machines.

Do you have any other favorite ASADA products?
<ANGLE MACHINE> Angle processing is a necessary work for the plumbing. Angle Machine helps inexperienced staff to work as well as skilled staff. And it can cover jobs for two staff. So we call this machine "TAISHO (Master)."
Finally, do you have any message?
Asada's sale staff responds quickly and asks me if any request I have. I did not see it anywhere else.